很多话无法直接翻译成英文,否则既奇怪又尴尬,今天为大家整理了生活中常用的一些词,希望你们活学活用,运用到生活中哦! 1.活该 You asked for it. 我们平常讲的「活该、都是你自找的」英文可以说 You asked for it. 或 You deserved it. 这里的 it 就是指那个人因为自己的行为所招来的麻烦。 A: You know what? I forgot to turn in my paper and the professor refused to accept my late submission… A: 欸你知道吗?我忘记交报告了,然后教授也不接受补交… B: You asked for it. You should have handed it in before the deadline….
You asked for it.
我们平常讲的「活该、都是你自找的」英文可以说 You asked for it. 或 You deserved it. 这里的 it 就是指那个人因为自己的行为所招来的麻烦。
A: You know what? I forgot to turn in my paper and the professor refused to accept my late submission…
A: 欸你知道吗?我忘记交报告了,然后教授也不接受补交…
B: You asked for it. You should have handed it in before the deadline. But you just kept wasting time.
B: 活该,谁让你一直浪费时间,你早该在期限前把报告交出去。
2. 跌破眼镜
make one’s jaw drop
每当我们听到出乎意料的事时,常常会用「令人跌破眼镜」来夸张地表示出惊讶的程度。而在英文中除了 out of expectation,还有一种很生动且道地的说法叫做 one’s jaw drop,或是用 jaw-dropping 这个形容词,意思就是「让人惊讶到下巴都快掉下来了」!
A: Did you hear what they just said? Our English teacher is almost 40!
A: 你有听到他们刚刚说什么吗?我们英文老师快要四十岁了!
B: What?! We all thought she was less than 30! This is gonna make everyone’s jaw drop.
B: 什么?!我们都以为她不到三十耶!这绝对会跌破大家的眼镜。
I thought Emma couldn’t even get to the finish line but she just broke the record with a jaw-dropping finish time!
我甚至以为 Emma 跑不到终点,没想到她刚刚一举打破纪录,她跑起来真的让人跌破眼镜!
The jaw-dropping outcome of the US presidential election shocked many people around the world.
*另外,jaw-dropping 也常用来形容「美景令人叹为观止」哦!
3. 扫兴
be a party pooper
要形容某人在欢乐的场合破坏了其他人的兴致,国外有一种生动的说法叫做 a party pooper,字面上意思是「在派对上大便的人」,也就是指那个人「很扫兴」。
A: Let’s go to the afterparty!
A: 走吧!再续一摊!
B: Count me out. I need to get home before ten tonight.
B: 不要算我哦…我今天十点前要到家。
A: Oh, come on! Don’t be a party pooper!
A: 吼,拜託,别这么扫兴嘛!
4. 临时抱佛脚
cram for…
大家对这句话都不陌生对吧?尤其是学生,各种考试前总能用的到!英文我们会用 cram for… 来表达,因为 cram 这个单字本身有「短时间内硬是塞入很多东西」的意思,所以像是死记硬背、填鸭式教育、补习班(cram school) 等等,都跟它有关!
A: Hey! Let’s go shopping tomorrow!
A: 嘿!我们明天去逛街吧!
B: Uh… I can’t. My final is coming up, and I have to cram for it.
B: 我无法耶,快要期末考了,我要来抱佛脚。
3A Hospitality English希望每天陪你们一起进步一点点。