Flipped learning is growing in popularity [INFOGRAPHIC]
Have you flipped your classroom yet?
At 3A English, we’re big fans on flipped classrooms. So much so, that our 3A Hospitality English program was written to be used in such a fashion!
In a flipped classroom, you do traditional classroom activities (such as information dissemination) at home, while “homework” (such as exercises and group work) are done in class. The rationale is that while the students are engaged in active learning, an expert is in the room, ready to help. When students are engaged in passive learning, they are outside of the classroom.
Using digital tools really helps in this process. A prime example is recording your lectures, and having the students watching them at home. When they come to class, they can demonstrate what they have learned or use exercises to practice. A teacher using blended learning techniques and flipping their classroom benefits more from planning and awareness of opportunities than being an expert in IT.
Flipped learning has REALLY grown in the past few years, and is quickly becoming the standard in quality education. The infographic below details responses from 2,358 teachers, and their thoughts on flipped learning.

We will be doing some webinars soon on some techniques to help flip your classroom. Follow us on Wechat (3AHOTELENGLISH) or subscribe by email to our blog to get more information. Feel free to contact us or leave a comment below with any questions.